Ant Abstract Kocatepe Mah. No:62/8 Çankaya , Ankara / Türkiye +90 551 174 02 (WhatsApp)

Ulusal Botanik Kongresi

Home Congresses

11th Ulusal Botanik Kongresi


11. Ulusal Botanik Kongresi

Congress Information

Congress Category :Agriculture
Chair :Prof. Dr. Neslihan KARAVİN
Start Date/Time :24.10.2024 - 08:00
Congress Duration :3 Gün
Co Chair :
Congress Editor :Mehmet Karataş (Editor)
Address :Amasya Üniversitesi / Amasya
Web :
Event Language :Turkish
Number of Abstracts (Count) :0
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Abstract Book :File Not Found
Full Text Book :File Not Found

Congress Program

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Congress Topics

Aromatic Plants
Plant Biotechnology
Plant Growth Agents
Plant Ecology
Plant Physiology
Plant Development Biology
Plant Breeding
Plant Chemistry and Plant Resources
Plant protection
Plant Metabolism
Plant Structure and Function
Genetic and Epigenetic Inheritance in Plants
Crop Production
Biotic and Abiotic Stress
Botanical Collection
Economic Plants
Ecosystem and Global Change
Industrial Plants
Pharmaceutical Botany
Floristic and Phytogeography
Functional Morphology and Evolution
Genomics, Genetics and Molecular Evolution
Business Economics and Marketing
Conservation Biology
the Ksiloloj
Molecular Plant Physiology
Molecular Plant Development
Molecular Biology
Forest Botany
Reprogramming of Synthetic Biology and Plant Systems
Symbiotic Life
Systematic Botany
Aquatic Botany
Ornamental Plants
Theoretical and Computational Plant Epidemiology
Medicinal Plants
Biology of Seed Plants
Biology of Seedless Plants
Tropical Ecology
Virology and Molecular Plant Pathology
Plant Nutrition
Plant Morphology and Anatomy
Phytochemistry and Secondary Metabolites
Plant Pathology
Plant Systematics and Evolutionary Relations
Plant Sociology
Plant Stress Physiology
Plant Vegetation
Pollen Biology
Ornamental Plants and Gardening
Farming Economy
Soil and Fertilizer Analysis
Soilless Agriculture

Open Congress

11th Ulusal Botanik Kongresi (BOTANIK)
Amasya Üniversitesi
Registration & Notification

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Kocatepe Mah. No:62/8 Çankaya , Ankara / Türkiye

+90 551 174 02 (WhatsApp)

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